Artículos científicos
- Ardanov P, Piorr A, Doernberg A, Brodt S, Lauruol JB, Kazakova I, Movchan V y Garibaldi LA. 2023. Combination of observational and functional trait-based approaches in developing a polyculture design tool for agroecological vegetable farmers. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 47: 1293-1318.
- Bianchi LO, Villalba R, Oddi FJ, Mundo IA, Radins M, Amoroso MM, Srur AM y Bonada A. 2023. Climate, landscape, and human influences on fire in southern Patagonia: A basin-scale approach. Forest Ecology and Management 539:121015.
- Blesh J, Mehrabi Z, Wittman H, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2023. Against the odds: network and institutional pathways enabling agricultural diversification. One Earth 6: 479-491.
- Chillo V, Amoroso MM, Arpigiani D y Rezzano CA. 2023. Forest active restoration for silvopastoral use in northwestern Patagonia: relative importance of the nurse effect. New Forests, 54: 201-215.
- Chillo V, Pizzingrilli P, Szudruk Pascual MN y Heinzle L. 2023. Efecto de diferentes prácticas de manejo orgánico en frambueso sobre la diversidad de artrópodos de importancia agrícola en El Bolsón, Río Negro. Revista De La Facultad De Agronomía, 122(1), 119.
- Cortés-Gómez AM, González-Chaves A, Urbina-Cardona N y Garibaldi LA. 2023. Functional Traits in Bees: the Role of Body Size and Hairs in the Pollination of a Passiflora Crop. Neotropical Entomology 1-10.
- Daykin GM, Aizen MA, Barrett LG, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2023. A checklist to improve reporting standards in ecological research in agriculture. PLOS ONE 18: e0285478.
- DeClerck F, Barrios E, Benton TG, Estrada-Carmona N, Garibaldi LA, et al. 2023. Biodiversity, Agriculture and Sustainable Production: GBF Target 10. PLOS Sustainability and Transformation 2: e0000048.
- Garcia RM y Rasmussen MB. 2023. Settling environmental citizenship: The presentation of self in conservation encounters. The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology.
- Garibaldi LA, Goldenberg MG, Burian A, Santibañez Ossa F, Satorre EH, Martini GD y Seppelt R. 2023. Smaller agricultural fields, more edges, and natural habitats reduce herbicide-resistant weeds. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 342:108260.
- Garibaldi LA, Zermoglio, PF, Jobbágy EG, Andreoni L, Ortiz de Urbina A, Grass I, Oddi FJ. 2023. How to design multifunctional landscapes? Journal of Applied Ecology, 00, 1–7.
- Giménez-García A, Allen-Perkins A, Bartomeus I, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2023. Pollination supply models from local to global scale. Web Ecology 23: 99–129.
- Goldenberg MG, Santibáñez Ossa F, Burian A, et al., Garibaldi LA. 2023. Landscape configuration is an important predictor of sunflower yield in the Argentinean Pampas. Ecología Austral 33: 170-177.
- Hernandez-Aguero JA, Ruiz-Tapiador I, Garibaldi LA, et al. 2023, The effects of human population density on trophic interactions are contingent upon latitude. bioRxiv, 2023-08.
- Kremen C, Wu J, Beckmann M, Bulling M, Garibaldi LA, et al. 2023. Biodiversity-production feedback effects lead to intensification traps in agricultural landscapes. DOI: 10.21203/
- Leguizamón L, Goldenberg MG, Jobbágy E, Seppelt R y Garibaldi LA. 2023. Environmental potential for crop production and tenure regime influence fertilizer application and soil nutrient mining in soybean and maize crops. Agricultural Systems 210: 103690.
- Martínez Pastur G, Amoroso MM, Baldi G, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2023. ¿Qué es un bosque nativo en Argentina? Marco conceptual para una correcta definición de acuerdo a las políticas institucionales nacionales y al conocimiento científico disponible. Ecología Austral 33: 152–169.
- Nabaes Jodar DN, García IM, Goldenberg MG y Garibaldi LA. 2023. Producción de restos vegetales y descomposición de hojarasca foliar bajo distintas intensidades de corta en fajas en matorrales. Ecología Austral 33: 178–187.
- Nabaes Jodar DN, Pérez-Méndez N, Botías C, Garibaldi LA, et al. 2023. Removing non-crop flowers within orchards promotes the decline of pollinators, not their conservation: A comment on McDougall et al. (2021). Insect Conservation and Diversity.
- Nacif ME, Goldenberg MG, Oddi FJ, Pastorino M, Aparicio A y Garibaldi LA. 2023. Plantación de especies forestales nativas en matorrales de Patagonia norte: respuesta a la apertura inicial de dosel en sitios contrastantes. Bosque 44: 219-239.
- Naón S, Goldenberg MG, Puntieri JG, Mazzoni A, Ridiero E, Garibaldi LA. 2023. El área ecológica y la sección del brote de origen son claves para el enraizamiento de estacas de Berberis microphylla, un arbusto de la Patagonia con frutos comestibles. BOSQUE, 43(3), 347–355.
- Obura D, Agrawal A, DeClerck F, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2023. Prioritizing sustainable use in the Kunming-Montreal global biodiversity framework. PLOS Sustainability and Transformation 2: e0000041.
Oddi FJ, Márquez Torres A, Pompeu JA, et al., Garibaldi LA. 2023. Plataformas de modelado de servicios ecosistémicos: el norte de la Patagonia como un ejemplo de aplicación: Modelado de servicios ecosistémicos. Ecología Austral 894-908.
- Pastur G, Amoroso MM, Baldi G, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2023. ¿Qué es un bosque nativo en la Argentina? Marco conceptual para una correcta definición de acuerdo con las políticas institucionales nacionales y el conocimiento científico disponible. Ecología Austral 152–169.
- Quesada A, Paez MB, Bistolfi NM, Blazina AP y Amoroso MM. 2023. Fire effects on rock weathering in the North Patagonian Andean Range. Latin American Journal of Sedimentology and Basin Analysis.
- Quesada A, Tchilinguirian P, Amoroso MM. 2023. Geomorphological analysis of the active processes in the Derrumbe creek valley and its alluvial fan, Turbio river – Puelo lake basin, northwestern of Chubut province, Argentina. Revista De La Asociación Geológica Argentina, 80(2), 256-272.
- Saez A, Garibaldi LA, Aizen A, et al. 2023. Phenological overlap between crop and pollinators: contrasting influence of native and non-native bees on raspberry fruit over the flowering season. Journal of Applied Ecology, 60(12):2540-2549.
- Salgado M, Gallo LA, Torres CD, Goldenberg MG, Stecconi M y Puntieri JG. 2023. Clone differences among young Salix humboldtiana Willd. from Patagonia. Trees, 37(6):1717-1725.
- Szudruk Pascual MN, Chillo V, Amoroso MM y Garibaldi LA. 2023. Functional Traits Mediate the Natural Enemy Response to Land- Use at the Local Scale. Sustainability 15: 7469.
- Ticse-Otarola G, Vidal OD, Andreu-Hayles L, Quispe-Melgar HR, Amoroso MM, Santos GM y Requena-Rojas EJ. 2023. Age structure and climate sensitivity of a high Andean relict forest of Polylepis rodolfo-vasquezii in central Peru. Dendrochronologia, 126071.
- Torretta JP, Marrero HJ, González-Vaquero R y Garibaldi LA. 2023. Solitary bees in Pampean agroecosystems: a review about current status of knowledge. Journal of Apicultural Research 1-20.
Varela S, Diez JP, Gazotti JI, Valiña P, Furlan N, Cardozo A, Cancino AK, Fariña CM, Castillo DA, Umaña FG, Raffo F, Borrelli LB, Claps LL, Aramayo MV, Amoroso MM, Quinteros CP, Von Müller A, Trinco F, Hernández H y Peri PL. 2023. Manejo de Bosques con Ganadería Integrada en Patagonia argentina: ajuste metodológico para la determinación de la línea de base en ecosistemas complejos y paisajes heterogéneos. Bosque, 44(1): 255-259.
- Varela SA, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2023 Does competition management improve the ecophysiological response to water shortage of mixed woodland species of North Patagonia? Forest Ecology and Management 541: 121039.
- Warrit N, Ascher J, Basu P, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2023. Opportunities and challenges in Asian bee research and conservation. Biological Conservation: 110173.
- Acosta RA, Bárbara IA, Bischoff MC, et al., Rezzano CA, et al. 2022. Universidad, territorialidad y demanda del estado – El sistema de educación superior agraria. Buenos Aires: ciccus. 262pp.
- Alabar F, Politi N, Názaro P, Amoroso MM, Rivera R. 2022. Changes in the potential distribution of valuable tree species based on their regeneration in the Neotropical Seasonal Dry Forest of Northwestern Argentina. Environmental Conservation, 49: 83-89.
- Allen Perkins A, Magrach A, Dainese M, Garibaldi LA, Kleijn D, et al., Nabaes Jodar DN, et al. 2022. CropPol: a dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination. Ecology, 103 (7): e3614.
- Arpigiani D, Chillo V, Soler R, Amoroso MM. 2022. Differential response of natural regeneration to silvopastoral use intensity in mixed forests of northern Patagonia, Argentina. Forest Ecology and Management, 520, 120408.
- Arpigiani D, Soler R, Chillo V, Amoroso MM. (aceptado). Differential response of natural regeneration to silvopastoral use intensity in mixed forests of northern Patagonia, Argentina. Forest Ecology and Management.
- Bonada A, Amoroso MM, Gedalof Z, Srur AM, Gallo L. 2022. Effects of climate on the radial growth of mixed stands of Nothofagus nervosa and Nothofagus obliqua along a precipitation gradient in Patagonia, Argentina. Dendrochronologia, 125961.
- Bonada A, Amoroso MM, Gedalof Z. 2022. The first network of tree-ring chronologies for co-occurring Nothofagus nervosa and Nothofagus obliqua along a precipitation gradient in Patagonia, Argentina. Tree Ring Research, 78: 1-12.
- Ceballos S, Blundo C, Malizia A, Osinaga Acosta O, Carilla J, et al., Amoroso MM, Andino N, Arpigiani D, et al. 2022. Red Argentina de Parcelas Permanentes de Bosques Nativos para promover colaboraciones científicas en estudios de largo plazo. Ecología Austral, 32: 361-377.
- Chillo V, Amoroso MM, Arpigiani D, Rezzano CA. 2022. Forest active restoration for silvopastoral use in Northwestern Patagonia: relative importance of the nurse effect. New Forests, 1-15.
- Frank M, Amoroso MM, Propedo M, Kaufmann B. 2022. Co-inquiry in agroecology research with farmers: transdisciplinary co-creation of contextualized and actionable knowledge. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 46(4): 510-539.
- Frank M, Amoroso MM. (aceptado). Impactos de la crisis causada por el COVID-19 y estrategias de adaptación: Estudio de caso local con productores y productoras agrícolas en la Argentina. Agroecología.
- Frank M, Kaufmanz B, Ejarque M, Lamaison MG, Nessi MV, Amoroso MM. 2022. Changing conditions for local food actors to operate towards agroecology during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6:866004.
- Garcia RM, Burns SL. 2022. Bureaucratic politics in protected areas: The voided power projection efforts of conservation vis-a-vis forest bureaucracies in Patagonia, Argentina. Forest Policy and Economics, 134: 102630.
- Galetto L, Aizen MA, Del Coro Arizmendi M, Freitas BM, Garibaldi LA, Giannini TC, Lopes AV, Do Espírito Santo MM, Maués MM, Nates-Parra G, Rodriguez JI, Quezada-Euán JJG, Vandame R, Viana BF e Imperatriz-Fonseca V (2022) Risks and opportunities associated with pollinators’ conservation and management of pollination services in Latin America. Ecología Austral. 32:055-076.
- Garibaldi LA, Gomez Carella DS, Nabaes Jodar DN, Smith MR, Timberlake TP, Myers SS. 2022. Exploring connections between pollinator health and human health. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 377(1853): 20210158.
- Goldenberg MG, Burian A, Seppelt R, Santibañez F, et al., Garibaldi LA. 2022. Effects of natural habitat composition and configuration, environment and agricultural input on yield in maize and soybean fields of Argentina. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 339: 108133.
- Hünicken PL, Morales CL, De Villalobos AE, Garibaldi LA. 2022. Evaluation of interactions between honeybees and alternative managed pollinators: A meta-analysis of their effect on crop productivity. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 340: 108156.
- Magalhães J, Polinko AP, Amoroso MM, Kohli GS, Larson BC. 2022. The Predicting Tree Growth App: an algorithmic approach to modelling individual tree growth. Ecological Modelling, 467: 109932.
- Mari AE, Sánchez G, Riat M, Mateo M, Arroyo A. 2022. Propagación sexual y asexual de Rhaphithamnus spinosus (espino azul), en Patagonia Andina. Horticultura Argentina, 41 (106): 124-143.
- Nacif ME, Goldenberg M, Oddi F, Pastorino M, Aparicio A, Garibaldi LA. (en prensa) Plantación de especies forestales nativas en matorrales de Patagonia norte. Bosque.
- Neranzi F, Naón S, Ochoa JJ, Ichaso T, Guenuleo B, et al., Puntieri JG. 2022. Crecimiento primario de Ugni molinae (Myrtaceae) en Argentina: producción de hojas, flores y frutos en dos poblaciones experimentales. Boletin de la Sociedad Argentina de Botanica, 57(1): 25-38.
- Oddi FJ, Casas C, Goldenberg MG, Langlois JP, Landesmann J, et al., Garibaldi LA. 2022. Modeling potential site productivity for Austrocedrus chilensis trees in northern Patagonia (Argentina). Forest Ecology And Management, 524: 120525.
- Pérez-Méndez N, van Doorn L, Fernández MM, Català-Forner MM, Martínez L y Garibaldi LA (2022) Bottom-up effects of woodland eutrophication: interacting limiting nutrients determine herbivory frequency in northwestern Patagonia. Science of the Total Environment 151608.
- Quesada A, Sirolli H, Martín RS, Keitelman V. 2022. Paleoenvironments and filling of the anthropogenic lagoon of the Ciudad Universitaria – Costanera Norte Ecologic Reserve (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, 74(2), A240622.
- Rodrigues BN, Machado T, Abdalla FC, Silva-Zacarin ECMD. 2022. The influence of an analog of juvenile hormone on the silk gland of Africanized Apis mellifera larvae reared in vitro. Journal of Apicultural Research: 1-5.
- Salim JA, Saraiva AM, Zermoglio PF, Agostini K, Wolowski M, et al. 2022. Data standardization of plant-pollinator interactions. GigaScience, 11: giac043.
- Santibañez F, Joseph J, Abramsom G, Kuperman M, Laguna MF, Garibaldi LA. 2022. Designing crop pollination services: A spatially explicit agent-based model for real agricultural landscapes. Ecological Modelling, 472.
- Allen-Perkins A, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2021. CropPol: a dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination. Ecology. e3614.
- Chaplin-Kramer R, Brauman KA, Cavender-Bares J, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2021. Conservation needs to integrate knowledge across scales. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 6(2), 118-119.
- Magalhães, J., Amoroso, M.M., Larson, B.C. 2021. What evidence exists on the effects of competition on trees response to climate change? A systematic map protocol. Environmental Evidence, 10, 34.
- Radins M, Amoroso MM, Bianchi LO, Villalba, R (2021) Dinámica forestal pos-incendio en el gradiente de precipitaciones del río de las Vueltas, Santa Cruz. Multequina.
- Requena-Rojas EJ, Amoroso MM, Ticse-Otarola G, Crispin-DelaCurz DB (2021) Assessing dendrochronological potential of Escallonia myrtilloides in the high Andes of Peru. Tree-Ring Research, 77: 41-52.
- Marcotti E, Amoroso MM, Rodríguez-Catón M, Vega L, Srur AM, Villalba R (2021) Growth resilience of Austrocedrus chilensis to drought along a precipitation gradient in Patagonia, Argentina. Forest Ecology and Management, 496: 119388.
- García R, Burns S (2021) Forest Policy and Economics : Bureaucratic politics in protected areas: The voided power projection efforts of conservation vis-à-vis forest bureaucracies in Patagonia, Argentina. Forest Policy and Economics.
- Fernandez AR, Sáez A, Quintero C, Gleiser G y Aizen MA (2021) Intentional and unintentional selection during plant domestication: herbivore damage, plant defensive traits and nutritional quality of fruit and seed crops. New Phytologist.
- Bladauskas M, Fioroni F, Joelson N, Nunes CI y Stecconi M (2021). Plantas patagónicas en red, una experiencia virtual en tiempos de pandemia. Desde la Patagonia, Difundiendo Saberes, 18(31): 46-47.
- Juri G y Premoli AC (2021) Allochrony of neighbour ecological species: Can isolation by time maintain divergence? The natural experiment of sympatric Nothofagus. Forest Ecology and Management.
- Nacif ME, Quintero C, Garibaldi LA (2021) Intermediate harvesting intensities enhance native tree performance of contrasting species while conserving herbivore diversity in a Patagonian woodland. Forest Ecology and Management.
- Huaylla CA, Nacif ME, Coulin C, Kuperman MN y Garibaldi LA (2021) Decoding information in multilayer ecological networks: the keystone species case. Ecological Modelling 460:109734.
- Oddi FJ, Goldenberg MG, Nacif ME, Heinemann K y Garibaldi LA (2021) Supervivencia y crecimiento de plantines de ciprés de la cordillera durante siete años en dos sitios contrastantes de Patagonia norte. Ecología Austral, 31:204-215
- Goldenberg MG, Nacif ME, Oddi, FJ y Garibaldi LA (2021) Early response of Nothofagus antarctica forests to thinning intensity in northern Patagonia. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 51(3): 493-499.
- Salgado M, Gallo LA, Torres CD, Stecconi M, Puntieri JG (2021) Variations in growth and architecture in the range limit of Salix humboldtiana, the willow native to South America. Botany 99(11): 713-723.
- Garibaldi LA, Schulte LA, Nabaes Jordar DN, Gomez Carella DS y Kremen K (2021) Time to integrate pollinator science into soybean production. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 36:573-575.
- Gómez Carella DS y Garibaldi LA (2021) Necesitamos recuperar un 20% de Hábitats Nativos para producir mejor. Revista Agropost – CPIA nro. 176.
- Garibaldi LA y Gómez Carella DS (2021) El valor de los polinizadores para una agricultura sustentable. Revista COPIME 42:50-55.
- Naón S (2021) El efecto pterodáctilo. Desde la Patagonia. Difundiendo saberes, 18(31), 53.
- Moguilevsky D, Fernández N, Puntieri J, Outes V y Fontenla S (2021) Surviving after an eruption: Ecosystem dynamics and mycorrhizae in Nothofagus pumilio forests affected by the 2011 Puyehue Cordón-Caulle tephra. Forest Ecology and Management 479 118535.
- Magnin A, Torres C, Stecconi C, Villalba R y Puntieri J (2021) Influence of trunk forking on height and diameter growth in an even-aged stand of Nothofagus pumilio. New Zealand Journal of Botany.
- González Chaves A, Carvalheiro L, Garibaldi LA y Metzger JP (2021) Positive forest cover effects on coffee yields are consistent across regions. Journal of Applied Ecology.
- Fernández MM, Casas C, Bedano JC, Eissenstat DM, Kaye MW, García IM, Kun ME y Garibaldi LA (2021) Mite density, not diversity, declines with biomass removal in Patagonian woodlands. Applied Soil Ecology 169:104242.
- Garibaldi LA, Pérez-Méndez N, Cordeiro GD, et al. (2021) Negative impacts of dominance on bee communities: Does the influence of invasive honey bees differ from native bees? Ecology 0(0):e03526.
- Garibaldi LA, Aizen MA, Saez A, Gleiser G, Strelin M y Harder LD (2021) The influences of progenitor filtering, domestication selection and the boundaries of nature on the domestication of grain crops. Functional Ecology 35:1998-2011. 134.
- Trinco FD, Rusch VE, Howison RA, Garibaldi LA, y Tittonell PA (2021) Implications of landscape configuration on understory forage productivity: a remote sensing assessment of native forests openings. Agroforestry Systems 1-14. 133.
- Garratt MDP, Groot GA, Albrecht M, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. (2021) Opportunities to reduce pollination deficits and address production shortfalls in an important insect pollinated crop. Ecological Applications 0(0):e02445.
- Bergamo P, Wolowski M, Tambosi L, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. (2021) Areas requiring restoration efforts are a complementary opportunity to support the demand for pollination service in Brazil. Environmental Science & Technology 55:12043-12053. 131.
- Dicks LV, Breeze TD, Ngo HT, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. (2021) A global-scale expert assessment of drivers and risk associated with pollinator decline. Nature Ecology & Evolution 5:1453–1461.
- Hünicken PL, Morales CL, Aizen MA, Anderson GKS, García N y Garibaldi LA (2021) Insect pollination enhances yield stability in two pollinator-dependent crops. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 320:107573.
- Mashilingi SK, Zhang H, Chen W, Vaissière BE, Garibaldi LA y An J (2021) Temporal trends in pollination deficits and its potential impacts on Chinese Agriculture. Journal of Economic Entomology 114:1431–1440.
- Garibaldi LA, Oddi FJ, Miguez FE, Bartomeus I, et al. (2021) Working landscapes need at least 20% native habitat. Conservation Letters 14:e12773.
- D’Annolfo R, Gemmill-Herren B, Amudavi D, Shiraku HW, Piva M y Garibaldi LA (2021) The effects of agroecological farming systems on smallholder livelihoods: a case study on push-pull system from Western Kenya. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 19:56-70.
- Gemmill-Herren B, Garibaldi LA, Kremen C y Ngo HT (2021) Building effective policies to conserve pollinators: translating knowledge into policy. Current Opinion in Insect Science 46:64-71.
- Senapathi D, Fründ J, Albrecht M, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. (2021) Wild insect diversity increases inter-annual stability in global crop pollinator communities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288:20210212.
- Jobbágy EG, Aguiar S, Piñeiro G y Garibaldi LA (2021) Impronta ambiental de la agricultura de granos en Argentina: revisando desafíos propios y ajenos. Ciencia Hoy 29:55-64.
- Behrends Kraemer F, Morrás H, Fernández PL, Duval M, Galantini J y Garibaldi LA (2021) Influence of edaphic and management factors on soils aggregates stability under no-tillage in Mollisols and Vertisols of the Pampa Region, Argentina. Soil & Tillage Research 209:104901.
- Fioroni F, Soto Mancilla M, Fernández NV y Carron A (2020). Los pinos y sus efectos invisibles. Desde la Patagonia, Difundiendo Saberes, 17(30): 40-48.
- Guenuleo et al. (2020) Características morfo-arquitecturales y fenológicas de Ugni Molinae (Myrtaceae): una especie arbustiva andino-Patagónica con frutos comestibles. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica, 55(2), 1-10.
- Goldenberg MG, Cardoso YA, Oddi FJ y Garibaldi LA (2020) Fuelwood energy characteristics and biomass equations of the dominant species of northern Patagonia shrublands (Argentina). Southern Forests 82:56-64.
- Nacif M, Kitzberger T y Garibaldi LA (2020) Positive outcomes between herbivore diversity and tree survival: responses to management intensity in a Patagonian forest. Forest Ecology and Management 458:117738.
- Carvalheiro LG, Biesmeijer JC, Franzén M, Aguirre-Gutierrez J, Garibaldi LA, et al. (2020) Soil eutrophication shaped the composition of pollinator assemblages during the past century. Ecography 43:209-221.
- Requier F, Andersson GKS, Oddi FJ y Garibaldi LA (2020) Citizen science in developing countries: how to improve volunteer participation? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 18:101-108.
- Carron A, Garibaldi LA, Marquez S y Fontenla S (2020) The soil fungal community of native woodland in Andean Patagonian forest: a case study considering experimental forest management and seasonal effects. Forest Ecology and Management 461:117955.
- Vitantonio-Mazzini LN, Borrás L, Garibaldi LA, Pérez DH, Gallo S y Gambin BL (2020) Management options for reducing maize yield gaps in contrasting sowing dates. Field Crop Research 251:107779.
- Halinski R, Garibaldi LA, dos Santos CF, Acosta AL, Dornelles Guidi D y Blochtein B (2020) Forest fragments and natural vegetation patches within crop fields contribute to higher oilseed rape yields in Brazil. Agricultural Systems 180:102768.
- Carvalheiro LG, Biesmeijer JC, Franzén M, Aguirre-Gutierrez J, Garibaldi LA, et al. (2020) Soil eutrophication shaped the composition of pollinator assemblages during the past century. Ecography 43:209-221.
- Nacif M, Kitzberger T y Garibaldi LA (2020) Positive outcomes between herbivore diversity and tree survival: responses to management intensity in a Patagonian forest. Forest Ecology and Management 458:117738.
- Hünicken, P. L., Morales, C. L., García, N., y Garibaldi, L. A. (2020). Insect pollination, more than plant nutrition, determines yield quantity and quality in apple and pear. Neotropical entomology, 49(4), 525-532.
- Díaz S, Settele J, Brondízio E, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. (2019) Pervasive human-driven decline of life on Earth points to the need for transformative change. Science 366:eaax3100.
- Amoroso MM, Peri PL, Lencinas MV, Soler Esteban R, Rovere AE, Bava J, González Peñalba M, Chauchard L, Urretavizcaya MF, Loguercio G, Mundo IA, Cellini JM, Dezzotti A, Attis Beltrán H, Bahamonde H, Ladio A, Gowda JH, Gallo L, Quinteros P, Sola G, Martínez Pastur G (en prensa) Región Patagónica (Bosques Andino Patagónicos). En: Peri P, Martínez Pastur G, Chauchard L, Schlichter T. (Editores). Silvicultura de Bosques Nativos.
- Aizen MA, Aguiar S, Biesmeijer JC, Garibaldi LA, et al. (2019) Global agricultural productivity is threatened by increasing pollinator dependence without a parallel increase in crop diversification. Global Change Biology 25:3516-3527.
- Aizen MA, Smith-Ramírez C, Morales CL, Vieli L, Sáez A, Barahona-Segovia RM, Arbetman MP, Montalva J, Garibaldi LA, Inouye DW y Harder LD (2019) Coordinated species importation policies are needed to reduce serious invasions globally: The case of alien bumblebees in South America. Journal of Applied Ecology 56:100-106.
- Behrends Kraemer F, Hallett PD, Morrás H, Garibaldi LA, Cosentino D, Duval M, Galantini J (2019) Soil stabilisation by water repellency under no-till management for soils with contrasting mineralogy and carbon quality. Geoderma 355:113902.
- Bianchi LO, Oddi FJ, Muñoz M, Defossé G. (2019) Can conifers afforestations increase flammability of the forest-steppe ecotone in Patagonia?: the role of live fuel moisture content and leaf ignition. Forest Science 65 (4), 375–386.
- Castellano PL; Srur, AM; Bianchi LO (2019) Growth patterns analysis of lenga [Nothofagus pumilio (Poepp. & Endl.) Krasser] and guindo [N. betuloides (Mirb.) Oerst.] and its relations with the climate in Lago del Desierto, Patagonia, Argentina. Dendrochronologia.
- Coulin C, Aizen MA and Garibaldi LA (2019) Contrasting responses of plants and pollinators to woodland disturbance. Austral Ecology, 44: 1040-1051. doi:10.1111/aec.12771.
- Coulin C, Gerardo J, Chifflet L, Calcaterra LA, & Schilman PE (2019) Linking thermo-tolerances of the highly invasive ant, Wasmannia auropunctata, to its current and potential distribution. Biological Invasions, 21(12), 3491-3504.
- Dainese M, Martin EA, et al. Garibaldi LA, et al., Steffan-Dewenter I (2019) A global synthesis reveals biodiversity-mediated benefits for crop production. Science Advances 5:eaax0121.
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